A quick treatment called intrauterine insemination (IUI) places healthy sperm within your uterus, bringing them closer to your egg. By raising the quantity of healthy sperm that enter the fallopian tubes when the woman is most fertile, this treatment seeks to increase the likelihood of conception.
In vitro fertilisation is referred to as IVF. One of the more well-known applications of assisted reproductive technologies is this one (ART). In order to help sperm fertilise an egg and the fertilised egg implant in your uterus, in vitro fertilisation (IVF) uses a mix of medications and surgical techniques.
Future Fertility IVF Centre is one of the top IVF centres located in Bhubaneswar, Odisha run by Dr. Babita Panda, leading fertility consultant. The centre is equipped with modern fertility treatment facilities and instruments to help you march ahead in the journey towards parenthood.